Wednesday, 1 June 2011


Size-8" X 6"
Medium- newspaper,black pen and water colors
This picture depicts the daily life of kolkata. 

Size- 16" X  8"
Medium- newspaper, black ink, poster colors,water colors
This picture shows the hard work of human while while traveling on the path of success.

Medium- Newspaper, red pen and water colors
This picture depicts the positive and relaxed behavior of human.
(when every thing goes negative be positive)
i have shown negativity through sen-sex figures.  


  1. sidhant. its wonderful to see happy positive and determined faces of students coming to pearl each year,when juniors come, interact with everyone, brimming out of curiosity n enthusiasm...!! u were one of them, your approach, n determination has always been an inspiration to me :) hope ur passion to learn n excel in everythn, take u to greater heights in life!!

    i loved ur blog, the punjabi grill n newspaper art, being my favourites...with u, being an artist, its a rebirth of art :)
    shine on...
